‘Update on Downright Discrimination court case’ by Heidi Crowter

Aug 27, 2021 | Press releases

Hiya This is Heidi again, as you may be aware, I was in London on the 6th July 2021 taking a landmark case against the government to court over the current discriminatory abortion laws, that a baby without Down’s syndrome can be aborted up to 24 weeks but a baby like me can be aborted up to birth which is DOWNRIGHT DISCRIMINATION and I think it’s time that the law should reflect mutual love and respect for any baby.

Màire Lea-Wilson who has a son with Ds is joining me in the case.

 I live a full and vibrant life, I have just celebrated my 1st wedding anniversary with my husband James and he also has DS and since James bounced into my life, he has brightened up my life in every part, he makes me very happy although he does has annoying traits but I love him despite his annoying traits because Love endures anything , We live on our own and we do all the cooking and cleaning, the other day we made gammon, egg and chips on our own.

We had a great time in London, the most annoying part of London was I had to wake up at 6:10 am for an 8:30 interview, so as I can’t function in the morning without a cup of coffee we went out for a coffee at Pret A Manger then I functioned well. I have one highlight of my time in london, my mum had a brain malfunction and drove her ELECTRIC scooter into a PUDDLE (blonde moment)

Back to the court case, I went into the court and to be honest it was so boring I nearly fell asleep and I had no idea of what they were talking about, they started talking about the abortion act, I listened to the bits when they mentioned me

Then, we had a change-over. It was too upsetting for me to listen to after half an hour.

We don’t get the result till September -October time

Stay Happy!


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